BRLO (pronounced Brillo....like the pads....) is a group of highly talented and spotlessly clean recorder players directed by David Moses, who owns a seven foot tall recorder and writes music.
Most instruments sound dreadful in the hands of beginners, and recorder is no exception, but in the 17th and 18th centuries recorders were considered to be instruments of great refinement - Meh! what did they know?!
BRLO present programmes of music in a huge variety of styles using all eight members of the recorder family, from the tiny garklein to the mighty sub contra bass (the ubiquitous school descant is the 3rd largest). David Moses is allowed to wave his arms about, play
the double bass, the fool and some of the other 100+ instruments he has cluttering up his house.
BRLO enjoy music that is ancient & modern, serious & hilarious.
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